ATTER’s observatory of territorial agrifood systems transitions is structured around an initial portfolio of 16 case studies gathered in the project and network and the cross analyses carried out on these territories. That will be expanded through the years to include territories in different regions and countries.
It allows an access to each of these case studies :
Through a map entry and associated thumbnails,
Through comparative analyses in terms of transition pathways, public policies, facilitation approaches and evaluation of transition, all key issues tackled in ATTER.
All case studies are carefully contextualized with key figures and short descriptions, so that any person involved in the transition facilitation or analysis in another region could easily identify the differences and specificities of his/her own case in relation to ATTER’s case studies.
Open Conference, 8th of April 2025, Brussels
The 2nd ATTER Open Conference will be held at the Université Libre de Bruxelles the 8th of April. Through workshops and talks, researchers, NGOs, policy makers and citizens will have the rare opportunity to discuss the different problematics around the ecological transition of food systems. You can subscribe to be kept in the loop on the programme here: pre-registration form
Carmarthenshire, in Wales, is a region of small-scale farms and businesses. It is specialised in dairy, red meat and horticulture. During the last 20 years, there has been a rise in agroecological farming, local production and regional branding. Until now highly dependent on European funding, the territory is facing a period of uncertainty with the withdrawal of the country from the EU. A new farming scheme is in the making but in the meantime, the transition might endanger family farming.
To find out more, click here: Carmarthenshire
Doriane Guennoc and Victor Vachelard (TERRALIM) spent a part of their secondment in Carmarthenshire, participating in a cross-fertilisation workshop to discuss transition trajectories between France and Wales with the Cardiff University team and local actors. Read more about this experience on the ATTER website.
Last entered Case Studies
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